In WA, operators of certain types of heavy vehicles must become accredited to gain a permit or notice from Main Roads.

Western Australian Heavy Vehicle Accreditation is mandatory for individuals and organisations that require a permit or notice to perform any transport task as part of a commercial business or for profit within Western Australia, including interstate operators.

Accreditation involves two modules – Fatigue and Vehicle Maintenance, which operators are required to incorporate into their daily work practices.

Accreditation does not exempt operators from complying with other requirements of the Road Traffic Act 1974.

How we can help

Transport Auditing can help your organization establish management systems that will meet the standards required for accreditation in an easy to use format.

We also have Heavy Vehicle Auditors that are certified by Exemplar Global (formally RABQSA) and are based in WA. But more importantly we provide you with ongoing support, to help your organization maintain accreditation and answer the tricky questions that come up every now and again.

Call the team today on 1300 116 487


How to become accredited

If you have management systems in place for fatigue and maintenance and can provide sufficient operating records, you can have an Entry Audit conducted by a Exemplar Global auditor. Once you have a compliant Entry Audit you can submit it to Main Roads with the required payment and become accredited. This option will suit those who are already operating in some manner i.e. Interstate operators.

For those who are new to the industry or for those who do not have sufficient operating records, you may have a Systems Audit conducted by an Exemplar Global auditor. Prior to the audit you must establish your management systems for maintenance and fatigue. Once you have a compliant Systems Audit you can submit it to Main Roads with the required payment. At this point you will receive provisional membership of the WAHVA Scheme for three months and have access to all RAV permit and notice products. Prior to the end of the three month period, your Exemplar Global auditor must return and carry out a follow up audit which must be submitted to Main Roads.

Contact Transport Auditing Today

Please call 1300 116 487 if you have any questions
regarding NHVAS or WAHVA.

We are here to help you.

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